Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Taiwanese Aboriginal Music Project Links

I haven't been posting with much frequency here, but I haven't been neglecting my music-related projects entirely. On the contrary, I've gone down to Taidong in east Taiwan every month for the past three months to work on my project on old Taiwanese aboriginal pop music. Here's some news reports on the shows I did in late August. In these shows we went to different aboriginal settlements and played old records for the local people, including a few of the original performers. The reports are all in Chinese and various aboriginal languages, but non-Chinese speakers can at least hear some of the music.



Here's a link to one of the songs we did in our show back in February, in which younger singers covered the songs:

Our show in late September was similar to this one. If any online links to it are put up in the future, I'll eventually post them here.
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