Monday, December 31, 2018

A Brief Update

Yes, I'm still alive and (mostly) well, and still involved in a lot of music related activities, aside from what personal listening I manage to find time for. But as is readily apparent, I've gotten out of the habit of regularly updating this blog. It's not for lack of things to write about; there're plenty of albums, songs and groups I could comment about, and I've even had occasional personal news that would have been worth reporting here. For an example of the latter, my radio show on Alian 96.3 was nominated for a Golden Bell Award for Non-Popular Music Radio Program, and I myself got a nomination as host. Though I didn't win, getting nominated was recognition enough. But as this blog is less for that kind of news and more for relatively in depth musings on music related topics, with a particular focus on writing in English (as I think I should set up a separate blog for things I manage to write in Chinese about Taiwanese music, though I will occasionally refer to them here), most future entries will still be along those lines - which means they'll only appear when I get around to writing something. Until then, happy new year and happy listening!

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