As I mentioned a couple of months ago, I'm now doing a radio show on Taiwanese popular music every other week on the radio station News98 (98.1) in Taiwan. For the lunar new year holiday, I was asked to a few extra shows, and I decided to use them as an opportunity to play a sampling of Taiwanese pop songs from throughout the 20th century. I don't think the shows turned out as well as they could have, for a number of reasons. For one thing, the scheduling of the broadcasts was still in flux when I left for my vacation, so many listeners may not have found it easy to hear all of the shows. An even bigger problem was that after the shows had been recorded but before they were broadcast, the station (along with all other stations in Taiwan) received a notification that a large bunch of songs had copyright issues, including quite a few that I had included. These songs all had to be cut out of the shows before they were broadcast. As a result, what people heard fell well short of what I had intended. So I am posting here not only all the songs that were broadcast but also those that were originally included but cut later, and even a few others that I had to cut at the time of recording due to length. They are roughly chronologically divided into three groups, covering the era of Japanese rule and the immediate post war period, followed by the 1960s and 1970s, and finally the 1980s and 1990s. Needless to say, there are plenty of songs from all these eras that are as good as those found here, as this was just intended as an overview. Note that I haven't included links for the songs this time. Most of them can be found on Youtube and other websites just by pasting in the titles, though particularly for the older songs the versions available on line are in most cases likely to be later covers.
桃花泣血記〈詞:詹天馬 曲:王雲峰〉 純純[劉清香] (1932)
一個紅蛋〈詞:李臨秋 曲:鄧雨賢〉 純純 (1933)
街頭的流浪[失業兄弟]〈詞:守真 曲:周玉當〉 青春美 (1934/12)
心酸酸〈詞:陳達儒 曲:姚讚福〉 秀鑾 (1936)
白牡丹〈詞:陳達儒 曲:陳秋霖〉 根根 (1936)
農村曲〈詞:陳達儒 曲:蘇桐〉 青春美 (1937)
四季紅〈詞:李臨秋 曲:鄧雨賢〉 純純、豔豔 (約1938)
青春嶺〈詞:陳達儒 曲:蘇桐〉 王福、秀鑾 (約1939)
誤認君〈詞曲:奧稽文藝部〉 阿冉妹 (1934)
番社の娘/十八姑娘一朵花〈詞:栗原白也 曲:堂崎夜雨[鄧雨賢]〉 佐塚佐和子(1939)/劉韻(1958)
加路蘭港之戀-奈羅灣多也〈詞曲:日高敏倉〉 盧秀花/林成松 (early 1960s [written in early 1940s])
望你早歸〈詞:那卡諾[黃仲鑫] 曲:楊三郎〉 (1946)
補破網〈詞:李臨秋 曲:王雲峰〉 秀芬 (1948)
安平追想曲〈詞:陳達儒 曲:許石〉 美美 (1951-2)
高山青〈詞:鄧禹平 曲:張徹〉 何綺蘭、許自謙 (1950s) [from 阿里山風雲 (1949)]
綠島小夜曲〈詞:潘英傑 曲:周藍萍〉 紫薇 (約1954)
黃昏嶺〈詞:周添旺 曲:三界稔[日本曲]〉 紀露霞 (約1957)
黃昏的故鄉〈詞:愁人[文夏]譯寫 曲:中野忠晴[日本原曲:赤い夕陽の故郷]〉 文夏 (1959)
孤女的願望〈詞:葉俊麟 曲:米山正夫[日本原曲:花笠道中]〉 陳芬蘭 (1959)
舊情綿綿〈詞:葉俊麟 曲:洪一峰〉 洪一峰 (1959-60)
暗淡的月〈詞:葉俊麟 曲:吳晉淮〉 吳晉淮 (1959-60)
台灣好〈詞:羅家倫 曲:山地民謠〉 美黛 (1964 [written in early 1950s])
回想曲〈詞:楊正[周藍萍] 曲:周藍萍〉 紫薇 (1961)
意難忘〈詞:慎芝 曲:俊一[佐々木俊一]〉 美黛 (1963) 原曲:東京小夜曲
山地情歌[離別故鄉/馬蘭之戀] 〈詞:黃敏 曲:山地民謠〉 文鶯
送情郎到軍中[阿美三鳳]〈詞曲:曾美愛**〉 玲蘭(曾美愛)/盧靜子 (1965/1967)
墓仔埔也敢去〈詞:郭大誠 曲:吉田正〉 葉啟田 (1965)
水車姑娘〈詞:葉俊麟 曲:米山正夫[日本曲]〉 尤萍[陳淑樺] (1967)
苦酒滿杯〈詞:慎芝 曲:姚讚福〉 謝雷 (1967)
今天不回家〈詞:諸戈[莊奴] 曲:古月[左宏元]〉 姚蘇蓉 (1969)
為何命如此(苦海女神龍)〈詞:黃俊雄 曲:猪俣公章〉 邱蘭芬 (1970)
Whiter Shade of Pale (Brooker/Fisher/Reid/Bach) 雷蒙合唱團 (1970)
我沒有騙你〈詞:莊奴 曲:公羽[翁清溪]〉 包娜娜 (1971)
送君珠淚滴〈詞:徐品榮 曲:周宜新〉 丁黛 (1971)
我的歌〈詞曲:洪小喬〉 洪小喬 (1973)
熱情的沙漠〈詞:李潔心 曲:加瀨邦彥、山上路夫〉 歐陽菲菲 (1974)
江湖上〈詞:余光中 曲:楊弦〉 楊弦 (1975)
我是一片雲〈詞:瓊瑤 曲:古月[左宏元]〉 鳳飛飛 (1977)
姑娘的酒窩〈詞:周燕蘭 曲:岳勳[李基生]〉 高凌風 (1977)
小城故事〈詞:莊奴[黃河] 曲:湯尼[翁清溪]〉 鄧麗君 (1979)
拜訪春天〈詞:林建助 曲:陳輝雄〉 施孝榮 (1981)
無緣〈詞:呂金守 曲:吳盛智〉 吳盛智 (1981)
可憐的落魄人〈詞曲:高飛龍[高子洋]〉 陳明仁 (1981)
心事誰人知〈詞曲:蔡振南〉 沈文程 (1982)
鹿港小鎮〈詞曲:羅大佑〉 羅大佑 (1982)
一樣的月光〈詞:吳念真、羅大佑 曲:李壽全〉 蘇芮 (1983)
從現在開始〈詞曲:紅螞蟻〉 紅螞蟻合唱團 (1985)
舞女〈詞曲:俞隆華〉 陳小雲 (1984)
夢田〈詞:三毛[陳平] 曲:翁孝良〉 潘越雲 & 齊豫 (1985)
生命中的精靈〈詞曲:李宗盛〉 李宗盛 (1986)
玫瑰人生〈詞:慎芝 曲:張弘毅〉 許景淳 (1987)
雁渡寒潭〈詞曲:黃舒駿〉 黃舒駿 (1989)
抓狂〈詞:王明輝、陳主惠 曲:Asanee Chotikul〉 黑名單工作室 (1989)
向前走〈詞曲:林強〉 林強 (1990)
打〈詞:林暐哲 曲:林暐哲、李欣芸〉 Baboo (1992)
把悲傷留給自己〈詞曲:陳昇〉 陳昇 (1991)
孤枕難眠〈詞曲:劉志宏〉 周華健 (1993)
用心良苦〈詞:十一郎 曲:張宇〉 張宇 (1993)
自由歌〈詞曲:張雨生〉 張雨生 (1994)
不夠放肆〈詞曲:陳珊妮〉 陳珊妮 (1994)
斷腸詩〈詞曲:伍佰[吳俊霖]〉 伍佰 & China Blue (1998)
原來你什麼都不要〈詞:鄔裕康 曲:郭子〉 張惠妹 (1996)
愛的初體驗〈詞曲:張震嶽〉 張震嶽 (1997)
神話〈詞:林志興,陳光榮譯寫 曲:陳建年〉 Samingad〈紀曉君〉 (1999)
下淡水河寫著我等介族譜〈詞:鐘永豐 曲:林生祥〉 交工樂隊 (1999)
雌雄胴體〈詞曲:阿信.五月天〉 小平/五月天 (1999)
農村出事情〈詞曲:蔡海恩〉 濁水溪公社 (1999)
轉吧、七彩霓虹燈〈詞曲:小應[應蔚民]〉 夾子電動大樂隊 (2000/12)