I've enjoyed putting together compilations of various types since I first really got into listening to music back in college. My first compliations were done on cassette tape, so they were basically what were called "mix tapes", though I didn't know the term at the time. In one of the first entries on this blog I talked about one of the best ones I did in college, my compilation of music from the psychedelic rock era. After I came to Taiwan, I eventually started listening to the local pop music, and a friend (one who I later started dating and eventually married) gave me a mix tape of some of the pop music she liked, mostly by singer-songwriters as opposed to pop idols. Through her and my own listening, I eventually got to know enough Taiwanese pop music to start thinking about
making my own Taiwanese pop music compilations. In fact it was in part my attempts to put together compilations in approximate chronological order and featuring the original recorded versions of the songs that impelled me to begin doing my own research and start collecting the original records with the recordings I wanted. My first Taiwanese pop music compilation I did on cassette tape, but not long after I switched to CD. I did two compilations on CD, with the second being by far the lengthier and more comprehensive, though now I can't help but feel it is missing a lot. After all it's been something like 20 years since I put together, so even for the period it covers (approximately 1973 to 1995) I have since acquired a lot of music which would be worthy of inclusion in an updated compilation (and in at least one case, the song "美麗島" ("Formosa") on the first CD, I would now put on the earlier but never formally released recording by Yang Zujun and Hu Defu, which is vastly superior to the one by Yang Zujun alone). There are also some minor chronological issues, such as the placement of the song "Pitiful Luckless Man", which was actually released in 1981. Nevertheless, I thought it might be interesting to post some of it here. To start with, I'm just posting the tracklists for the first four CDs out of the 18 that make up the complete set. I'll post the others at some point in the future. I should note that while I have including the romanizations of the vocalists' names, I haven't included translations of all the song titles, as I haven't had the time to translate all of them.
第一集 Volume 1 (1973-1979)
1愛之旅Love's Travels 洪小喬Hong Xiaoqiao 3:18
2不要告別Don't Say Farewell 李金鈴Li Jinling 3:13
3我的歌My Song 洪小喬Hong Xiaoqiao 2:19
4雲河River of Clouds 黃鶯鶯Huang Yingying 3:11
5民歌手Folk Singer 楊弦Yang Xian (女聲Female Voice:徐可欣Xu Kexin) 3:51
6迴旋曲Rondo 楊弦Yang Xian 4:21
7歌Song 張艾嘉Zhang Aijia (男聲Male Voice:劉文正Liu Wenzheng) 2:55
8小雨打在我身上The Rain Falls on Me 劉文正Liu Wenzheng 3:42
9我是一片雲I Am a Cloud 鳳飛飛Feng Feifei 3:40
10好了歌Won Done Song 吳楚楚Wu Chuchu 2:43
11美麗島Formosa 楊祖珺Yang Zujun 2:54
12如果If 邰肇玫Tai Zhaomei&施碧梧Shi Biwu 2:41
13惜別Reluctant Parting 張艾嘉Zhang Aijia 3:21
14牛背上的小孩Child on Ox Back 胡德夫Hu Defu 2:47
15再別康橋Farewell Cambridge 范廣慧Fan Guanghui 3:18
16小雨中的回憶Memories in the Rain 劉宗立Liu Zongli、曾佩媛Zeng Peiyuan、陳淑惠Chen Shuhui 3:38
17姑娘的酒窩The Girl's Dimples 高凌風Gao Lingfeng 3:03
18閃亮的日子Brilliant Days 劉文正Liu Wenzheng 3:44
19橄欖樹Olive Tree 齊豫Qi Yu 3:46
20鄉間的小路Little Road in the Country 葉佳修Ye Jiaxiu 3:19
21歡顏Joyful Countenance 齊豫Qi Yu 3:49
22走在雨中Walking in the Rain 齊豫Qi Yu 3:46
第二集 Volume 2 (1979-1981)
1風兒輕輕吹The Wind Blows Gently 劉文正Liu Wenzheng 3:12
2廟會Temple Festival 王夢麟Wang Menglin 3:03
3雨中即景Scenes in the Rain 王夢麟Wang Menglin 3:09
4情奔 Rush of Passion 劉文正Liu Wenzheng 3:42
5恰似你的溫柔Like Your Tenderness 蔡琴Cai Qin 4:01
6曠野寄情Wilderness Abandonment 李建復Li Jianfu 3:31
7歸去來兮 李建復Li Jianfu 3:58
8出塞曲 蔡琴Cai Qin 2:57
9抉擇Decision 蔡琴Cai Qin 3:30
10也許Maybe 張艾嘉Zhang Aijia 4:01
11我們曾經年輕We Were Once Young 張艾嘉Zhang Aijia 2:01
12今山古道 黃大城Huang Dacheng 2:56
13偈 王海玲Wang Hailing 3:29
14童年Childhood 張艾嘉Zhang Aijia 3:41
15光陰的故事The Story of Time 張艾嘉Zhang Aijia 3:01
16月琴Yueqin 鄭怡Zheng Yi 3:57
17秋蟬Autumn Cicada 楊芳儀Yang Fangyi、徐曉菁Xu Xiaoqing 3:44
18拜訪春天Paying a Visit to Springtime 施孝榮Shi Xiaorong 3:15
19柴拉可汗Chaila Khan 李建復Li Jianfu 4:11
20變色的長城 費玉清Fei Yuqing 4:16
21一千個春天A Thousand Springs 蔡琴Cai Qin、李建復Li Jianfu 4:13
第三集 Volume 3 (1982-1983)
1鹿港小鎮Little Town of Lugang 羅大佑Luo Dayou 4:45
2戀曲1980Love Song 1980 羅大佑Luo Dayou 3:22
3就在今夜Tonight's the Night 丘丘合唱團Qiuqiu Band 3:08
4為何夢見他Why Do I Dream of Him 丘丘合唱團Qiuqiu Band 3:40
5之乎者也Pedantry 羅大佑Luo Dayou 4:06
6將進酒 羅大佑Luo Dayou 4:23
7天天天藍Blue Skies Every Day 潘越雲Pan Yueyun 3:37
8守著陽光守著你 潘越雲Pan Yueyun 4:50
9心事誰人知Who Understands My Heart 沈文程Shen Wencheng 3:28
10可憐的落魄人 Pitiful Luckless Man 陳明仁Chen Mingren 3:21
11散場電影 木吉他合唱團Wooden Guitars 3:56
12但願人長久 鄧麗君Deng Lijun 4:06
13思君 鄧麗君Deng Lijun 3:46
14心情 潘越雲Pan Yueyun 3:26
15野白合也有春天Spring Comes to the Wild Lily 潘越雲Pan Yueyun 3:16
16你是我所有的回憶You Are All I Recall 齊豫Qi Yu 5:12
17三月的風March Wind 齊豫Qi Yu 4:25
18小雨來得正是時候When The Rain Comes Is the Time 鄭怡Zheng Yi 3:20
19結束Ending 鄭怡Zheng Yi & 李宗盛Li Zongsheng 3:53
第四集 Volume 4 (1983-1984)
1一樣的月光The Same Moonlight 蘇芮Su Rui 5:46
2是否Is It True Or Not 蘇芮Su Rui 3:36
3告別Farewell 唐曉詩 & 李泰祥 5:31
4酒干倘賣無Any Old Bottles For Sale? 蘇芮Su Rui 4:39
5變Changes 蘇芮Su Rui 4:45
6亞細亞的孤兒The Orphan of Asia 羅大佑Luo Dayou 5:52
7現象七十二變72 Phenomena 羅大佑Luo Dayou 3:53
8愛的箴言Admonitions of Love 潘越雲Pan Yueyun 3:58
9未來的主人翁Masters of the Future 羅大佑Luo Dayou 7:32
10海洋之歌Song of the Ocean 陳淑樺Chen Shuhua 3:21
11無言的歌Song of No Words 潘越雲Pan Yueyun 4:45
12只有分離 黃鶯鶯Huang Yingying 5:12
13夢駝鈴 費玉清Fei Yuqing 3:39
14天使之戀Romance of the Angels 黃鶯鶯Huang Yingying 6:16
15搖滾舞台Rock Stage 薛岳Xue Yue 3:21